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Okami and the Seven Companions Review

Mini Review

Pro: Ok animation, neat fairy tale references

Con: Forgetable in so many ways

Final Thoughts: If want all the boring uninspired anime to have a home this would be it. I'm sure this has its fan but they are most likley few and far between. The story and characters hold little to no ground whatsoever. If I were to buy any merchandise from this series it would maybe be Ryouko's Neko Neko fighting gloves and thats it. Some of the character names are references to common fairy tales and are the only thing remotely interesting things about them. Think of it as an uninteresting little diversion that oscaionally has its moments of enjoyment. I stress to find much need for improvement on a relaitivly boring cardboard package. This anime felt like a passing stranger on the street who happened to have a cute keychain on their backback that I remotly remember.

Final Score: 2 stars


Toradora/Engaged to the Unidentified/Ouran Host Club

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